Monday, May 14, 2012

Baby Cakes

Lots of baby shower cakes recently, and lots of babies! At Bliss, there were 2 baby shower cakes and a cupcake order last week. I took quite a few cake orders at Publix, too. Plus there was the cake that I got to make! :)

I modeled it off this cake I found at Cake Central. The baby shower's theme colors were green and pink, and I just loved the swirls and polka dots. I was a little worried about the border, but I practiced on some wax paper before-hand, and it really brings the whole cake together. I used the #12 tip for that, and a #5 for everything else, except the writing, which is a #2.

It's all buttercream, with a delicious yellow cake underneath. And it turns out that simple syrup really isn't that simple, because I ran out of granulated sugar. I tried it with Splenda, but it left a funny taste; the brown sugar turned the liquid a maple brown color, which wouldn't have looked good on the yellow cake; and the powdered sugar was murky because of the corn starch. So my parents picked up some sugar on their way home, and the crisis was averted.

But other than that (and the fact that I was babysitting all day, dropped a hot, cheesy pizza on the floor, and didn't get to bed until 1am), this cake was a breeze to make. I smoothed down the dots with a paper towel to get them flat, which took some manuvering, but it worked out quite nicely.

And I still can't get over how cute that swirly border is!

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